A frosty climb to the summit of Windham High Peak
This event has been CANCELED due to Covid-19 concerns. We hope to reschedule in June or July.
FEE: Free (tips are appreciated if you enjoy the hike)
EQUIPMENT: Depending on early spring conditions, snow and ice may be present, so bring your own microspikes or snowshoes* and proper hiking gear
Join Hike On Guides as we climb Windham High Peak (elevation 3,525’), one of the Catskill Mountains 35 peaks above 3500 feet and part of the Catskill 3500 challenge. We’ll maintain a relaxed pace on this 7.3 mile hike. Hikers will be rewarded (weather conditions permitting) with an excellent views from near the summit.
Attendees should be dressed properly for variable early-spring conditions, synthetic layered clothing, wearing proper footwear and bring their own microspikes or snowshoes if there is snow and ice.
Any questions about the specific clothing or gear items should be directed to hikeonguides@gmail.com or 508-277-3172. Details about the meeting location will be provided after registration.